2018 21 November

HoliSurface new video: joint acquisition and analysis of MAAM + HVSR

HoliSurface new video: joint acquisition and analysis of MAAM + HVSR

: more, better, with less effort.

The HS acquisition and analysis system represents the ideal synthesis to do everything between the alpha and the omega of seismic and vibrational analysis:



  • HoliSurface® analysis (patented method): multi-component analysis Z, R, T, RVSR, RPM

  • HVSR (jointly with dispersion data)

  • Vibrational analysis on buildings (discrimination of torsional and flexural modes even with one 3-component geophone)

  • Vibrational analysis for DIN4150 and UNI9610 regulations

  • SSR (Standard Spectral Ratio and Spectral Difference)

  • "Multi-channel" active (multi-component MASW) and passive methods (ESAC, MAAM, ReMi) and refraction/reflection

Info: holisurface@winmasw.com


 HoliSurface method, MAAM (Miniature Array Analysis of Microtremors), Full Velocity Spectrum (FVS), joint analysis, RPM, HVSR, GHM (Gaussian-filtered Horizontal Motion)