winMASW® Professional (winMASW®)
Main tools:
- MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) analyses considering both Rayleigh and Love waves (and their joint inversion)
- analysis of Rayleigh-wave attenuation to determine QS quality factors
- ReMi (Refraction Microtremors) analyses (passive seismics)
- computation and modelling of the H/V spectral ratio (Nakamura’s method) to estimate the resonance frequency
- Vs30 calculation
- Band- Low- High-pass filters
- spectral analyses: computation of amplitude and phase spectra and spectrograms (frequency content over time)
- 1D modelling of refractions (also considering low-velocity layers)
- tool to combine two shots and simulate a dataset with a double number of channels (or three times, etc.)
- elastic moduli calculation tool
- ESAC analyses (but only for linear arrays, thus not fully exploiting the real ESAC technique active in the Academy version)
- tool for combining several traces acquired by a single 3-component geophone (using different offsets) and obtaining datasets useful for MASW analysis considering both Rayleigh (radial and vertical component) and Love waves
For further details, please have a look at the updated winMASW® manual available HERE
Directivity of the H/V Spectral Ratio