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  • 2016 30 June

    winMASW®/HoliSurface® & windows10

    winMASW®/HoliSurface® & windows10
    We kindly remind you that the upgrade to windows 10 is for free only until July 29, 2016.
    Since only the latest releases of winMASW® and HoliSurface® are fully compatible with windows10, in order to avoid future expensive procedures, we would than suggest you to immediately update your software.
    New in winMASW® Academy 7.1: FVS joint analyses of the ZVF & RVF components!

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  • 2016 30 June

    winMASW®/HoliSurface® & Love waves

    winMASW®/HoliSurface® & Love waves
    Love waves: just one of our "obsessions"?Quite clearly not.Here an article in line with all our works since 2008 (i.e. from the first releases of winMASW® Professional): also (for instance): join the winMASW® and HoliSurface® family and the joint analysis of seismic data.

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  • 2016 21 June

    Eliosoft Summer Lab - luglio 2016

    Eliosoft Summer Lab - luglio 2016
     HoliSurface® e l'arte del tiro con l'arcoIn relazione all'uscita della release 6.0 si raccolgono pre-adesioni per incontro iper-informale sul mondo HoliSurface®L'incontro è finalizzato anche ad illustrare una serie di novità che saranno inserite nella prossima release. Ad esempio, relativamente all'analisi HVSR, poichè abbiamo spesso notato difficoltà a distinguere un picco industriale da ...

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  • 2016 1 June

    winMASW® Professional: release 7.2 now available

    winMASW® Professional: release 7.2 now available
    Available the release 7.2 of winMASW® Professional (also for windows10)
    If you want to update your software please contact us at
    Temporal continuity of the H/V Spectral Ratio (HVSR)
    Temporal continuity of the amplitude spectra of the three components (vertical, North-South and East-West)

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